About Us

A few years ago True Dungeon fan and avid token collector Trent had an idea for a website that collectors could use to keep track of their collection. He kept a pile of sticky notes with random ideas for the site, and planned to find the time to hire a developer one day to create it. But free time never seemed to appear, and the sticky note pile grew bigger and bigger. Then one day out of the blue David, a programmer and True Dungeon fan, emailed Trent and asked him if he’d be interested in chatting with him about an app idea he had, one that would help collectors keep track of their collection.

Not long after that auspicious email from August of 2017, Trent and David started emailing back and forth and talking on the phone for hours upon hours about True Dungeon, tokens, and their numerous ideas to create something to help the wonderful True Dungeon community. Those emails and phone calls eventually turned into the site called True Dungeon Tokens, which was officially launched on David’s birthday, July 10, 2020!

There are many ideas planned for the future of True Dungeon Tokens, but we want the community to be involved, so please click Send Feedback and let us know what’s working or not working, ask questions, and share any suggestions for future revisions.

The Team

Trent (co-creator) - I started playing True Dungeon in 2016 when a friend of mine from my D&D group invited me to go to Gen Con to play a “live version of D&D.” I had actually never been to a gaming convention before, and had only just started playing D&D as well. My friend said, “you don’t need to buy any tokens, I have plenty, but if you want you can buy a weapon.” After browsing the True Dungeon site I decided to play a Barbarian and purchase a +2 Deathcleaver as part of an Ultra Rare Value Pack. The date was May 15, 2016. If I had stopped there, who knows what would have happened?

But I didn’t stop there…once I did some more research, I realized there was this thing called treasure tokens, and certain tokens could help you get more treasure. So, of course, the very next day I purchased another pack with an Amulet of Treasure Finding. Further research revealed that the +2 Deathcleaver could be transmuted into a +3 Deathcleaver, which could then be transmuted into a +5 Deathcleaver…and…I think you see where this is going.

Cut to today, to put it mildly, I'm now an avid collector of True Dungeon tokens! I’m on a very difficult quest to find one of each token that is collectible, and I’m very very close. I’ll probably never collect them all, but it sure is fun trying! When I’m not collecting tokens, I love helping other people with their collections, and working on my other site, www.TrentTokens.com.

David McClure (co-creator) - My journey into the world of gaming conventions began in 2009, and they quickly became a regular part of my life. During various panel discussions and events, I kept hearing about the incredible experience offered by True Dungeon. In 2012, I finally had the chance to experience it for myself, and I’ve been captivated ever since! Despite my party’s unfortunate end in the Giants’ Travail, my enthusiasm was undeterred—and I found myself returning year after year.

Through starter packs and treasure pulls, I began building a modest collection of tokens. By 2016, my desire to enhance my builds led me to start purchasing tokens, but I soon realized I was only scratching the surface. Driven by a need to understand the intricacies of the game, I embarked on developing a basic app to track my personal collection and explore various build combinations.

This journey has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m excited to continue learning and contributing to the True Dungeon community.

Marc Domask (product evangelist)
- I'm a long-time gaming convention attendee, going back to the 90's when Gen Con was in my home town of Milwaukee. My first show was actually a bit of a disaster. My parents read that Mark Hamill was signing autographs. We went the day of, but had no clue about events or registration. Which meant we bought badges only to learn we had no hope for that autograph. A couple years later, I caught the CCG bug and Gen Con became an annual summer fixture. But when it moved to Indy, the hotel costs became just too expensive for a college kid.

10 years later, the woman who would become my wife brought me back to the show and said I just had to try one of her "must do" events: True Dungeon. The game hooked me immediately, and it quickly became one of *our* must do events. I stayed pretty casual on the token aspect, until one run where I got this odd blue-backed token.

That was a slippery slope into learning how some tokens could become other tokens, and all those trophy tokens actually did something. From there, it was a quick jump to the forums, auctions, and leaning on the many community resources developed over years. So, when the opportunity came to help develop a new resource, I jumped at the chance to give something back! And, here I am: helping Trent and David evolve this amazing site.

Thank You

A BIG THANK YOU to Jeff Martin for creating the greatest game of all time, True Dungeon! Thanks also goes out to Druegar, whose tireless work on www.tokendb.com helped inspire True Dungeon Tokens.

Graphic Designer
Jay Alejandro - Jay is a very talented designer who created the logo for True Dungeon Tokens and Trent Tokens too!

Beta Testers - thank you very much to all of the beta testers who helped test our first iteration of the site!
Arnold Duong
Bill Misquez
Bob Chasan
Braxton Thomason
Dave Gerspach
David Haas
David Zych
Eric LeFeber
Jason Kang
Jason Robb
Marc Domask
Michael Dorn
Mike Steele
Mitchell Dore
Rachel Kammerer
Rebecca Cunningham
Rob Fugiel
Thomas Steude

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